23 February 2010

Fun Stuff...

Well... it's been a lot longer than I thought... yet again. Sorry I am really terrible at this, but I'm trying! So... since the 12th... well there was Valentine's Day, which was highly uneventful other than I was supposed to go to Rhodes Memorial with two of my housemates and our RA, but instead we ended up trying to find a store that was open so he could get something for his girlfriend that was coming back in a matter of hours... guys are great, aren't they! So we didn't end up going, but that was ok! I was just kind of disappointed that South Africa gets really into Valentine's day because I don't particularly enjoy it. Sadly, I was let down because they love it! After that was my second week... started my tutorials, one of which BLOWS... but... it's only once a week, so not really a big deal. Also another student at my school got murdered in a place called Observatory (or Obs/Obz) that is very close to me. It is unfortunate and sad, but there is really no need to worry because I am very careful, I promise! Also there were just a few things that weren't such a good idea that this guy and his friends did, and I will not make those mistakes! I learned that there is a Jammie that goes into downtown Cape Town, so now I can take full advantage of that and go there for free all the time! Like last week... when I went to Mojito's for happy hour three different days... Oops! I also bought lots of presents and post cards while I was there, so I think that constitutes a success! Then I had a very interesting and eventful weekend. Friday I had my first language lab for Xhosa and then I was pretty much done for the day so I went back to Long Street yet again and later I met up with 5 guys from my program who had just finished climbing Table Mountain only to find it was too windy for them to take the cable car down and the restaurant was closed... yeah they were pretty hungry... So I walked to Rondebosch and met them at the nicest place in Rondebosch (not saying a whole lot, but still it was great! And definitely cheaper than what it would have been in the States) and had dinner with them, even though they were sweaty and gross and all got some variety of steak... and then there was me with my fish, which was AWESOME and I was VERY excited about because somehow, I just don't know where to get fish around this place... weird, but it's not available like meat is, even though it's right on the ocean. I hear I just need to know where I can go and buy it, but I have yet to be informed of where that is! Then Saturday I went to Muizenburg (a warm beach that is different from Camps Bay) and after I came back... I went to Stellenbosch. And it was fun. Very fun.... weird Afrikaaner dancing, "howzit dorris?", beach at 5 am, something with metal objects rolling the wrong way on a hill, and a lot more.
Oh also... funny story... so one of the RAs knows I have a love for Germans and so he has made it his goal to find me a German-speaking friend so he gives my number out to random German-speaking peoples... Well one guy was really weird and he was texting me and I was like eh... he's kinda creepy, so I'm not going to respond to him! Well... Friday I was at Mojitos like I said, and as soon as I walked in, a text from this random guy comes on my phone saying, We're at Mojitos what are you up to? Well, I had not seen this person yet, but my roommate and I were able to figure it out based on a mutual friend this person was with. Very strange guy, in no way attractive, and had no idea that we were also there. Needless to say, this was pretty amusing to us. So yeah... I had a nice weekend and I am certainly enjoying my time here...

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