27 May 2010

Schoooool's out. for. WINTER! Schooool's out. for. EVER! At UCT anyway...

DONE WITH EXAMS! I am still sick, actually worse than I was before... but I took my last final and now all I have is stuff for my IES class that although it really doesn't matter that much, I still have to do. It was raining horribly today and I had my exam at five in Jameson (the building in all of the pictures... awesome), which was freezing... never have I been so cold in an exam in my life. The supervisors were even wearing winter coats. Exams here are crazy by the way... well work in general is crazy. Every time I submit an assignment I have to put it online on VULA (a much better version of Moodle or Blackboard... I really will miss it) and turn in a hard copy to the department BUT... I must also submit a signed and dated plagarism declaration that says I have not copied or plagarised or anything else.... I do this every single time hard copy and online. And for exams, we have to take a number out of a box and go sit at that desk and that desk only. We have to fill everything out on the front correctly and then fold over the corner so it is completely anonymous. We also have to have our ID and fill out an attendance sheet. In a lot of cases we also have to use multiple books for multiple answers since courses are often taught by two different professors. Once we are finished, someone has to come around and take all of the exams and we can leave. Then they are graded by the professors and then by 'external' graders, who are people that are outside of UCT. That's a lot of work for every single exam....
Also a girl in my program has Malaria. Good to know, because I don't think she went anywhere...
Only 2.5 more days in my house, and then I will officially live in Obs... This whole packing thing is really depressing.
OH. And just so you all know, I've kind of only thought about you every day, as you can see.

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