18 May 2010

This one is kind of all over the place... just trying to catch up I guess.

So it's been a while... I know... and I am a horrible person because I have been too lazy to write about anything, even though plenty has actually been happening... My mom came to visit. That was pretty nice... got a really nice bed and a really nice shower and real tv and free internet... it was great! And even heat and air conditioning (our house has neither... but I was happy to find out that while I was visiting my mom we got another blanket and heaters... that's sad when that is some of the best news you hear all day)! German food... also a good find. I have been missing spätzle something awful... now all I need is a knödel and I will be set! hmm.... also I took my mom up to Tafelberg/Tischberg/Table Mountain, which is something I hadn't done either and it was AMAZING! You can literally see all of Cape Town from there and all of the mountains around it. My mom really loved the Table Cloth, which is when the clouds come over the mountain and then come down the side and it's really cool looking... like it's just rolling down. I really haven't seen anything else like that that I can compare it to... I also had the final dinner for my program since exams have started now and people are traveling at different times since the exam period is THREE WEEKS here... nice and mean at the same time... lots of time for studying, but aggravating that you can't just get it over with at once. I also had my first oral examination ever (very intimidating, but even though I did terrible, the teacher was very nice about it and said I did a good job... LIES) and went to a concert at the Baxter that my friend played violin in.
Something sad! I volunteer for SHAWCO, an orgranisation that allows UCT students to volunteer in Khayelitsha and Athlone and other places, and I go to tutor third graders in Khayelitsha every Wednesday... we had our last day at the school and then we took all of the kids from the STEP program to the aquarium... They loved it but it was so sad knowing that it was the last time we were going to see them and we don't think they realised that at the time. I also got to go ice skating (YES, it is wintertime and FREEZING and constantly rainy and windy here) with another group from Athlone because that program didn't have enough volunteers.
AND we had no electricity for most of yesterday!
And that's about it I guess! Not really, but that's all I'm going to say because I am being lazy and worthless because I'm tired since I had my hardest exam today at 5...

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